
European Natura 2000 day and 25th Anniversary of the LIFE Programme and of the Habitats Directive / Natura 2000 Network

On 21 May 1992. the LIFE Programme and the Habitats Directive have both approved. Since then they have successfully contributed to the preservation of our unique European natural heritage. The Habitats Directive created the EU Natura 2000 Network of protected areas which also includes the sites designated under the Birds Directive. This is one of Europe’s outstanding achievements.

To recognise this 25th anniversary, the European Commission together with the European Parliament, the Council and the Committee of the Regions will proclaim this year the 21st May as the “European Natura 2000 day” at a special event in Brussels. On this occasion and to mark the 25th Anniversary of the LIFE programme and of the Habitats Directive.

LIFE Euroturtles aims to take part in the celebrations by organising several events, so please check back on our web site.

You can see all the activities planned to celebrate the event on HTTP://WWW.LIFE-25.EU/

LOGO FOR THE WEB ANOUNCEMENT is at – HTTP://LIFE-25.EU/TOOLKIT/ under “LIFE 25 years logo and the Natura 2000 logo”