MarPresentation of LIFE Euroturtles on Croatian LIFE Info day

LIFE Info day was organised by “LIFE Program Croatia” in Zagreb where informations on LIFE Program and co-funding oportunities were presented.
During the Info day information on different project types that can receive co-funding through LIFE, thematic priorities, cofunding percentages and who and how to submit a project were presented. The aim was to introduce new potential aplicants with the programn and oportunities it provides.
Seven succesful projects that are being carried out in Croatia were presented to participants. Projects LIFE Clim’Foot, LIFE.SU.SA.FRUIT, LIFE Old-Drava, LIFE ECOMETHYLAL, DRAVA LIFE, LIFE DINALP BEAR, LIFE EUROTURTLES were presented.
Dr. Draško Holcer, LIFE Euroturtles coordinator presented our project and activities that will be carried out during project implementation.
During the Info day live streaming was provided and presentation can be downloaded from the following link – HTTPS://LIFEPROGRAMHRVATSKA.HR/HR/PODRSKA-PRIJAVITELJIMA/PREZENTACIJE/