Dept. Biology and Biotechnologies "C. Darwin", Univ Rome "La Sapienza" (BBCD). Research at BBCD includes the functional organization of Biodiversity, from the molecular to the population and ecosystem level.

BBCD staff comprises: scientists working in international networks on Taxonomy, Ecology, Molecular and Conservation-related issues of marine, terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity; young postgraduates, PhD students, and post-docs, with very high skills in field and lab work, including bioinformatics, molecular systematics, ecotoxicology etc… Zoologists at BBCD direct and coordinate the Zoology Museum (MZUR) education and research activities. MZUR vertebrate and invertebrate collections (over 2 millions specimens) include primary type materials, and are constantly enriched by collecting campaigns. Teaching and popularization activities at MZUR for citizens and students of high schools aim at increasing the awarness of citizens on the issues of biodiversity, and on the role of natural history museums. University level teaching includes courses in zoology, marine biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, conservation biology.
BBCD launched sea turtle research in Italy in the 1980s, with the first surveys at land and collaboration with fishermen, and is the most active research group on these animals in Italy.
BBCD has participated in a number of LIFE-Natura projects during the years.